Reel Talk 6.3.13

Katrina Hargrave asks: “A simplified definition of a world view is a collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group. Since films are made by individuals and/or groups, for individuals and/or groups and are often about them, it stands to reason that within films one can find the expression of a world view or a particular set of world views (be it the writer’s, director’s, or character’s). What particular beliefs about life and the universe can you find articulated in your favorite films or films you’ve watched lately? Are there any two that have the same theme but express different beliefs? What films have you found to express a similar or dissimilar world view from your own and why?”

Curator Biography

Katrina Hargrave is a student at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Her interest lies in cinematic storytelling and the creation of “image systems.” She’s currently obsessed with Korean films and loves anything by Studio Ghibli.

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