FM 11.1 (2020) Digital Media Dossier: Video Essays

A companion video essay section to accompany the Digital Media dossier in FM 11.1 (2020) produced by Jennifer O’Meara and students, Trinity College Dublin.

Another Cinema, Cinema of the Other
By Giorgiomaria Cornelio and Lauren “Ren” O’Hare

Artists’ Statement:

Conceived as an exploration and an homage to the Third Cinema, this video essay investigates an idea of art as a permanent revolution, where the building of a new image coincides with the raising of a new man. The struggle and the multiplicity behind this movement are still highly necessary, because a truly de-colonized cinema is a cinema always to come.

Voiceover: In Dialogue with Videographic Film Criticism
By Jessica Timlin

Artist’s Statement:

This video essay analyzes the use of voiceover in videographic film criticism. Already an established technique in film, voiceover in videographic film studies is still uncertain. However, by looking at various uses of this tool in a range of video essays, the benefits and pitfalls of voiceover will be identified.

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